Grand Opening of Air France's Cargo Warehouse
In March 2023, our Power Aviation Group joined Jamie Rhee, Chicago Department of Aviation Commissioner, and Air France celebrated the warehouse modernization of one of North America's largest international cargo airports - Air France KLM Martinair Cargo. Guests welcomed the arrival of the first freighter, which utilized the enhanced material handling system.

This 48,500 sf design+build modernization project was two-phased in order to minimize impacts and allow Air France's import/export operations to continue. Because of the modernization, the new facility is more efficient and flexible for receiving freight, building up and knocking down cargo pallets, and stage freight shipping. Additional improvements include joist reinforcement, installation of two rooftop units to retain heat on the north end of the facility, exterior lighting relocations and improvements, 26 dedicated electrical circuits for enviro container storage and charging, and installing four overhead doors.
With a new handling system, Air France is capable of handling increased volumes of cargo to provide customers with more capacity and efficiency of raw materials and goods at one of the most interconnected cargo airports.