A Passion for Building
That’s the spirit of leadership at Power.
Power leaders take an active role in every project, working side-by-side in the field and the office. This hands-on leadership enables people to learn faster, empowers team members and promotes collaboration. And it provides clients real-time assurance that their project will be successful from start to finish.
Plus, with roots deep in the Chicago community and a passion for building what matters, our leaders have grown up, so to speak, in the Power Way. We believe it is this tradition of growing from within that ensures our company’s stability, strength, and ability to thrive in the years ahead.

Jeff GeierPresident & CEO
With Power since: 2000
First construction job: On one of my very first projects I was responsible for a 200-acre intermodal facility and rail yard for the Santa Fe Railroad in California. When I started the project, I knew virtually nothing about railroads. Three years later the project opened as a big success and I had become somewhat of a history buff on the railroads.
Words of wisdom for a new person: Do lots of listening even if you’re not directly involved. Get out on the job site as much as you can. Take time to walk your project every day.
Best thing about living in Chicago: The combination of the unbelievable restaurant scene, the lakefront, the architecture, and endless things to do. It's a good thing our winters can be miserable otherwise everyone would want to live here!
Favorite Chicago Landmark: The Wrigley Building, one of the most recognizable buildings anywhere.
Best view of the skyline: Looking south along the lakefront path from North Avenue.
Jeff Geier

Dave AnderskowSenior Vice President & CFO
With Power since: 1995
First construction job: Controller at Power. A recruiter friend of mine told me about the company culture and Power's president at that time, Tom Settles, and that he was confident it would be a marriage made in heaven. I've been learning about the construction industry ever since.
Words of wisdom for a new person in the business: Each and every day - Learn something new and have fun.
Something you're proud of: My son and daughter are genuinely caring and thoughtful young adults.
Favorite place on Earth: Everyone that knows me would expect me to say Wrigley Field since I am a huge Cubs fan. But my real answer these days is simply wherever my grandkids are. However, if they happen to be in Maui that's cool with me.
Good book recommendation: I like to listen to TED Talks and have been inspired, like many others, by Simon Sinek. His book "Start with Why" is one of my favorites. I recently have started reading his newest book "The Infinite Game" and have high hopes that I'll be further motivated and inspired by his insights.
Dave Anderskow

Julie AllmanVice President
With Power since: 1994
First construction job: My first job was a rodman for a surveying company, where I learned the ropes and even got lowered into a caisson to take readings. My second job was as an intern for Power at the Loyola Cancer Center in Maywood, which set the stage for my career in construction.
Project you're most proud of: I'm proud of many projects, but The Wrigley Building stands out. Restoring such an iconic landmark and bringing its beauty back to life!
What's something your proud of? Balancing my work life with being a mom to four kids who have turned out to be four pretty incredible human beings!
What would you do with the extra time, if you never had to sleep? I would spend more time with my family and friends (my superpower would be the ability to be in two places at once)
Favorite Chicago Landmark: Wrigley Field
What's your favorite place on earth? I love to travel! Aruba is my go-to destination for sun, relaxation, and a total recharge. I'm also fascinated by all the incredible cities across Europe.
Julie Allman

Pete BartelsVice President
With Power since: 1994
First construction job: I worked for a testing agency in college.
Project you're most proud of: TetraPak because it was the first green building, before LEED certification, and the O'Hare CONRAC because of its size and complexity.
Words of wisdom for a new person: Always do the right thing, and stand behind your work.
Why did you choose Power: Because of the variety for PMs including everything from selling and estimating to managing the project and closeout.
Best view of the skyline: From a boat on a summer evening.
Favorite Chicago Landmark: Navy Pier
If I wasn't at Power, I would be: A carpenter
Board and/or philanthropy participation: I participate on the Property & Building Committee at our church. I also help run the Annual Golf Outing for the Alexian Brothers Foundation.
Pete Bartels

Sean BowkerSenior Vice President
With Power since: 1996
Project you're most proud of: Lurie Children's Hospital - a uniquely complex project due to its design and program for a fantastic client and mission. Everything we did was about and for the kids!
How do you like to spend your free time: Getting in a round of golf with our son or catching a University of Alabama football game. Roll Tide!
Why Power? Our people and culture. I am so proud to work and lead a company that prioritizes clients, our people, and doing the right thing above everything else.
Place you'd like to visit: Napa Valley is our happy place. There is nothing better than being in the valley in the Fall, sipping a glass of wine on a patio in the sun, smelling the aroma of the valley during crush.
Words of wisdom for a new person: The day you stop learning in construction is the day the industry will pass you by! Always keep an open mind to new ideas, approaches and technologies from young and old.
Sean Bowker

Mike ConlonVice President
With Power since: 2012
First construction job: My first construction job with was Tooz Construction in Dickinson, ND during the summer going into my senior year of high school. We were renovating Klinefelter Hall at Dickson State University and I was doing general labor and light carpentry.
Project you're most proud of: I am proud to have been involved from start to finish on the Block 37 Vertical Expansion, Essex on the Park, and One Chicago.
Words of wisdom for a new person: Take some time between finishing college and starting your career to do something you enjoy! You'll have plenty of time to work once you get started.
Skill you'd like to learn: I'd like to speak Spanish fluently.
Fun fact that none of your colleagues would know? I've worked on construction projects in 14 different states.
What would you do with the extra time, if you never had to sleep? Playing golf, snowboarding, traveling, and playing poker.
Mike Conlon

Pat DonleyVice President
With Power since: 2010
First construction job: During high school, I worked for a county road crew one summer in Pittsburgh and that got me interested in construction.
Words of wisdom for a new person in the business: ECHO: Every Contact Has Opportunity - whether personal or professional.
Favorite place on earth: Notre Dame Stadium and Beach Haven, New Jersey
Something you wish you were better at: Speaking Japanese
Good book recommendation: A Pirate Looks at Forty by Jimmy Buffett
Fun fact that none of your colleagues would know: I am a master at college football tailgating.
Pat Donley

Patrick DugganVice President
With Power since: 2008
First construction job: A Lego fire station.
Best career advice: To quote Al Gorman, "Plan, Organize, Direct, Control.".
Words of wisdom for a new person: Everyone goes through adversity whether its in business or their personal life. What matters is how you learn from it.
Favorite TV show: The Office (American version), Michael Scott sets the bar high for being the "World's Best Boss."
Something you'd like to learn: I would love to learn how to play the drums.
Board and/or philanthropy participation: Volunteer – A Safe Place, Vernon Hills Community Sports Clubs
Patrick Duggan

Dan FitzpatrickVice President
With Power since: 2016
Project you're most proud of: The pursuit and execution of the top/down construction at One Chicago.
Why Power? Reputation!
Place you'd like to travel to? I enjoy most beaches. The place is not as important as the people you are with.
If I wasn't working at Power, I would be: A youth lacrosse coach.
What would you do with the extra time, if you never had to sleep? I enjoy personal finance and would like to spend more time learning about it.
Skill you'd like to learn: Playing the bagpipes.
Dan Fitzpatrick

Bob GalloSenior Vice President
With Power since: 1987
Project you’re most proud of and why?: 2 East Erie. Both the budget and schedule were big struggles in an overheated economy, but we never compromised our commitment to quality or reduced our high level of service.
Words of wisdom for a new person in the business: This is a big industry with many different opportunities. It is also a challenging one, especially if you value a high service orientation like we do. If you follow the path that you are most passionate about and give it your all, you will most likely find the most fulfillment and have the most success—especially when times are tough.
Best view of the skyline?: Running north on the jogging path as you come around the Shedd.
Items on your bucket list: Travel across Canada and visit Alaska.
Bob Gallo

Tim GiegerichSenior Vice President
With Power since: 2002
First job with Power : The Naperville Public Library at 95th Street.
Words of wisdom for a new person: Active listening is more rewarding than being a vocal leader.
Proudest accomplishment: Successfully navigating the challenges of both work and life.
Skill you'd like to learn: At one point it was learning to play the guitar but I was quickly reminded that I was not born to be a musician.
How you like to spend your free time: Spending time with my family and being outdoors as much as we can.
Tim Giegerich

Chris GorayVice President
With Power since: 2000
First construction job: Working for my brothers, one owned a carpentry company and another owned a landscape / concrete company. I learned a lot from my big brothers, from hard work to customer service. It’s a large part of what shaped my foundation in the business.
Best career advice received: Measure twice, cut once. What I didn’t realize at the time is how it relates to so many situations.
Words of wisdom for a new person: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. You can always gain better insight by viewing the situation from a different perspective.
Biggest lesson learned and why: Do the right thing…enough said.
Best thing about living in Chicago: There so many different neighborhoods and parts of the city to enjoy and each has their own unique vibe including the people, food and architecture.
Chris Goray

Jon GormanSenior Vice President
With Power since: 1989
My start in construction: My grandfather and father both worked in the construction business so I was introduced as a young boy over dinner table conversations and occasional Saturday visits to construction sites. After earning bachelor's degrees in finance and engineering, I worked for an architectural firm for a couple years, after which I felt prepared to work for Power Construction. I have ever since.
Words of wisdom for a new person: Be patient, this is a complex industry with a lot to learn. The average new construction project takes 18 to 24 months to complete so it takes years to work on a wide variety of projects, each with its own different materials, means and methods.
Something I'm proud of: The contributions made to both my family and Power Construction.
Fun fact that none of your colleagues would know: I composed music and played guitar in a rock band during and for a few years after college.
Jon Gorman

Ken GormanSenior Vice President
With Power since: 1991
Why construction? Construction has always been “in my blood”, starting with my grandfather, father and brother before me. At the age of 16, I was handed a hardhat and safety vest and put to work on the concrete crew for the Westin Hotel in Rosemont, IL. That experience gave me a true and lasting appreciation for the amazing efforts by our tradesmen and tradeswomen in the most difficult of conditions.
Words of wisdom: Success in life is based 99% on attendance - show up physically, mentally and emotionally... and don't forget to listen 90% of the time.
Favorite place on earth: My home surrounded by my family.
Favorite non-work activity: Golf... and more golf.
Fun fact that none of your colleagues would know: My wife accepted my marriage proposal after our first date.
Ken Gorman

Seth GudemanVice President
With Power Since: 1997
First construction job: We built a 2-car garage during high school in our building trades class.
Project you’re most proud of and why: The one we don’t talk about anymore. It’s easy to stay motivated on a project that isn’t a financial success when the company focus remains to deliver a first class project and honor our commitments for all.
Words of wisdom for a new person: Don’t worry about who is who, if you have a question about anything, ask anyone around you and you will get help.
Biggest lesson learned and why: Never avoid an issue big or small. They never resolve themselves.
Favorite leisure, family or childhood activity: Childhood memories of summers at the lake.
Seth Gudeman

Ryan GusewelleVice President
With Power since: 1996
First construction job: I grew up working for my dad in a small excavation business - as a kid it was cool to see where my dad was working and, as he always said, you have to start them out while they're young!
Project you're most proud of: All of them - every project has something special about it and a challenge to overcome.
Why Power? I chose Power because of the different project types and the people I met during my very first visit to the office and jobsite. Everyone from the top down was approachable, driven, and genuinely invested in making the company better. I'm proud to say that some things never change!
What I like to do in my free time: Spend time with family and friends, camping, boating and riding motorcycles.
Fun fact my coworkers may not know about me: I have triplets!
Ryan Gusewelle

Jamie HendricksVice President
With Power since: 1992
First construction job: During summers in high school I worked for a concrete company doing foundations. Originally did it for the higher pay but soon found out I had a passion for building.
Something you’re proud of: There are a lot of things but business-wise, I am proud of the growth and reputation Power has achieved while keeping our values intact.
Something you want to learn: I would love to learn how to weld in a professional manner.
Good book recommendation: Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
Fun fact that none of your colleagues would know: They don't know I'm fun, so we'll just leave it that way.
Jamie Hendricks

Steve JacksonSenior Vice President
When you started at Power: 2004
How did you get started in construction?: My father was in the business and I couldn't get enough of going to his jobsites. When I wasn't doing that, it was the Legos!
The project I'm most proud of: It's hard for me to choose but I'd have to say the Loyola University Damen Student Center. Sitting along Sheridan Road, the building serves as an entry point to campus and a physical link to other great university buildings (many of which are past Power projects). Most importantly, it was a game changer for the students and faculty because it created a needed central gathering space for the entire Loyola community.
Words of wisdom: Our decisions are always easy if you just choose doing the right thing. The work isn't always easy, but the decisions are.
Why Power? Integrity and honesty always come first. Add that to being a big company with small company feel, and it was a fit for me.
Favorite Chicago Landmark: Wrigley Field... No contest.
Something you want to learn: Learning more Norwegian will help my master plan of retiring on a fjord.
Steve Jackson

Chris JonesSenior Vice President
With Power since: 2003
Why did you choose Power? I chose Power because of the culture - ultimately it's the people that make the culture a reality.
Project you're most proud of: The replacement hospital for Lurie Children's. Great people, great cause, great building.
Words of wisdom for a new person: Always be curious, don't be afraid to ask questions.
What do you like to do in your free time? I'm a father of three, so not much free time. I enjoy watching my children's sporting events and spending time with them. Other than that, I enjoy working in my yard and landscaping.
Favorite Chicago Landmark: The Rookery Building, if you don't know what it is, look it up! It's a great piece of architecture.
What's your favorite place on earth? The Swiss Alps, it's great in both the winter and summer.
Chris Jones

Paul MeyerSenior Vice President
With Power since: 2003
Project I'm most proud of: Loyola's Quinlan School of Business. We had some tough days and weeks on the project, but the team really banded together to build a remarkable building in an incredible timeframe. To this day, the entire team is extremely proud of what we accomplished.
Most rewarding part of the job: For me, there is nothing more rewarding or enjoyable than working with young PE's and helping them become great builders. Our projects are memorable but the real legacy is mentoring and training the next generation.
Why Power? I started as an intern after Jeff Geier and Pete Stearney came to Iowa State to give a technical presentation the logistics of a large crane over a precast garage - this was way more exciting than a typical college lecture and got me interested in the types of projects Power worked on. I've been here ever since!
Favorite place: We have a family cabin up in Hayward, Wisconsin. There is nothing more relaxing than going up to the lake in the summer to spend time with my family.
Paul Meyer

Aaron MoeVice President
With Power since: 2001
First project with Power: The Cancer Care Center at Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove. It was the first of several cancer care centers I've built - it seems fitting because I've lost my Dad, Mom, and best friend to the disease.
Words of wisdom: Don't let process impede progress.
Why Power?: I really enjoy working in a collaborative setting. We have some great clients, consultants, and trade partners that work together to problem solve and deliver first-in-class projects.
Something you're proud of: Designing and building my last two homes.
What I like to do in my free time: With three kids under six there isn't much but in those fleeting moments, I like to spend time with my family, golf, cook or grill, work in the garden, travel, and work on home improvement projects.
Aaron Moe

Shaun RaineyVice President
With Power since: 2005
Best career advice ever received: My first boss out of college used to tell me, "If you always put more effort in than what you take out of the organization, you and the organization will always be fine." This statement is true whether at work or on your own time and was great advice.
Favorite Chicago 'Haunt': The Aragon Ballroom – we have seen some great concerts there.
If I wasn't working at Power, I would be: Either a professor or a coach.
Fun fact that none of your colleagues would know: I love going to punk music shows.
Board and Philanthropy Participation: Red Raiders Fastpitch Board and Head Coach, McHenry County Pads, Northern Illinois Food Bank
Shaun Rainey

Cory SchauerVice President
With Power since: 2022
First construction job: My current position is my first in construction and with Power! I spent the last 15 years in Commercial Real Estate, so there are similarities, but this is a new world for me.
Words of wisdom for a new person: Be curious, not judgmental.
Why did you choose Power: It felt like a family and the energy was tangible
Something you're proud of: My kids. Watching them grow from tiny humans into little people with unique personalities and talents has been more rewarding than I ever could have imagined.
Favorite place you've been: Maui takes the cake so far, but I am willing to go almost anywhere. I love to travel.
Something you've always wished you could do: I've always wished I could sing and/or play an instrument.
Fun fact none of your colleagues know: I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and lived there until I was two.
Cory Schauer

Gary SchreiberSenior Vice President
With Power since: 1997
First construction job: Building commercial greenhouses for a large grower and plant retailer here in Chicago during my college summers.
Something you're proud of: My three kids – memories of them as little ones and now watching them as they move into adulthood and build lives of their own. Nothing is better than that!
What's your favorite place on earth: The Northwoods. Give me time on the water or a long hike and life is good!
In your free time: I work to restore nature. Woodlands. Lakes. Rivers. Prairie. Even just a lawn or garden.
Good book recommendation: Autobiographies in general. Their gifts of perspective are often life changing.
Gary Schreiber

Jim SimpsonVice President
With Power since: 1996
Project you're most proud of: Throughout my career I've been fortunate to be part of several landmark structures that make up the Chicago skyline. No matter if you are building a 1000' tall skyscraper or a small interior remodeling, there is a common denominator. You need to start out with a plan and be accountable for the plan.
Advice to young professionals: Be accountable for everything you do in life - both personal and professional - and you will be successful.
In your free time: I've been married to my wife Lynn for over 37 years and we have two children that we're extremely proud of - one a PA in the emergency department and one that is also a Superintendent on major construction projects in Dallas. Lynn and I also enjoy spending time with our three grandchildren and entertaining family, friends, and colleagues at our home.
Jim Simpson

John SpencerVice President
With Power since: 2002
Project you're most proud of: Working on all of the different Loyola projects over a 15 year period where I learned how best to work with and develop long-term relationships with the owner and consultants.
Favorite place on earth: Lake Superior and Capital Reef National Park
Good book recommendation? Modern Times, Life of Pi, Killer Angels, World War Z
Favorite Chicago landmark: Chicago Theater
What would you do with the extra time, if you never had to sleep? Reading and woodworking
Fun fact that none of your colleagues would know: I lived in Tehran, Iran as a child.
John Spencer

Bob Van DevenSenior Vice President
With Power since: 1996
Words of wisdom for a new person: Speak up and don’t be afraid to have an opinion.
Why did you choose Power: Power does the right thing... always. It makes going home at night easier. It is also the quality of the people and that everyone’s opinion is valued, everyone contributes. And, it’s a fun place to work with people who enjoy what they do.
Favorite Chicago landmark: Buckingham Fountain. I was fortunate to be able to work on an AIA award-winning restoration of the Fountain. I have a personal connection. Through that project, I learned to pay attention to the details.
Best view of the skyline : From a boat just south of Navy Pier so I can see several towers that I was privileged to be a part of.